Working Principle & Process Of Ball Mill Machine In The Pharmaceutical Industry
Ball Mill Machine -
A Ball Mill Machine is excellent for combining dry and moist materials, as well as grinding crystalline material.
To grind or combine materials, a ball mill machine is typically used in mineral dressing operations as well as in paints, pyrotechnics, ceramics, and selective laser sintering.
Process of ball mill -
Ball milling is a grinding method that grinds nanotubes into extremely fine powders. During the ball milling process, the collision between the tiny rigid balls in a concealed container will generate localized high pressure. Usually, ceramic, flint pebbles, and stainless steel are used.
Applications of ball mill -
Ball mills are used to size-reduce down to or below 1 micron, including minerals, glass, advanced ceramics, metal oxides, semiconductor and solar cell materials, nutraceuticals, and medicines.
Advantages -
1. It is suitable for milling toxic materials since it can be used in a completely enclosed form.
2. It is used in milling highly abrasive materials.
3. It is suitable for both dry grinding and wet.
Disadvantages -
1. Large size.
2. Lower Capacity.
Laboratory Ball mill :
A Laboratory Ball Mill is an indispensable tool when it comes to the rapid, reproducible pulverizing, milling, or grinding of a large variety of materials. Samples can be soft, elastic, or fibrous as well as hard or brittle, depending on the configuration and choice of the mill.
VJ Instruments is a leading laboratory ball mill manufacturer in India.
Ball mill machines easily meet laboratory and industrial grinding requirements. Their multipurpose design allows machines to handle wet or dry, brittle or fibrous materials effectively with intensive mixing performance.
The purpose of ball mills is to blend and grind dry powder samples. A laboratory ball mill consists of a ball grinding tank (jar) made of stainless steel. Steel balls of various sizes are placed within the jar to aid in the high-speed, one-way mixing and grinding of the samples.
Features -
1. Auto stop feature when process time completes.
2. Emergency stop switch.
3. Continuous grinding performance.
4. Suitable for wet and grinding.
Lab ball mills -
Ø Lab roll ball mill.
Ø Lab vibratory ball mill.
Ø Planetary ball mill.
Ø Lab stirred ball mill.
Ball Mill In Pharmaceutics :
The ball mill’s basic concept dates back to prehistoric times when it was used to grind flint for pottery. A type of grinder called a pharmaceutical ball mill is used to blend and grind ingredients in order to create various dosage forms. As the balls fall from almost the top of the shell, the impact diminishes their size. Ball mills are frequently used for regrinding, fine grinding, and the second stage of two-stage grinding circuits. Ball mills are available in both wet and dry designs, depending on the application.
Ball mill principle -
As the balls fall from close to the top of the shell, fragmentation processes (impact and attrition) cause the size to be reduced in the ball mill. Via the high-energy collision of balls, feed is mixed. Balls can have energies that are up to 12 times greater than gravitational acceleration. The grinding balls experience centrifugal force from the base plate's revolution, and the shell rotates independently to cause the balls to strike the interior of the shell. Due to the shell's alternate rotation (one cycle in the forward direction and one cycle in the reverse), substantial grinding also occurs in addition to homogenous mixing.
The hopper feeds the material to be ground at a 60° angle, and the final product is discharged at a 30° angle. As the shell spins, the balls are elevated on the rising side and cascade down (or drop into the feed) from near the top of the shell. The impact of descending grinding balls and the abrasion of particles in between the balls cause material grinding. In mills where the milled product is emptied from the center, the ground material is discharged either through the grid or the hole in the center of the discharge cap.
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