What are Extruders?
The extruder is widely used for making pellets of different sizes starting from a minimum of 400 microns to a maximum of 2000 microns. Extruder gives mild compaction and is ideal for most pharmaceutical formulations related to palletization. The function of a spheronizer is to convert extrudes into spheroids. Spheronization is the necessary second step of granulation by extrusion – spheronization process where pharmaceutical products are made into small spheres or spheroids Activate the machine and load the pre-formulated wet mass into the feed funnel (Hopper). The material is forced through the extrusion chamber to cone mesh by axial force of Counter-rotating screws. Conical pressing roller forces the material through the perforations of Single cone mesh and the extrude formed.
Types of Extruder
1. Single Screw Extruder
The single screw extruder machine comprises a single spinning screw within the barrel that is further divided into three zones: the feed zone, the compression zone, and the metering zone. A change in pressure inside each of these zones results in a mixture of excipients and API being produced. Because of the continuous movement of the single screw extrusion, it produces high pressure and is particularly suited for working with viscous materials.
2. Twin Screw Extruder
Twin-screw extruder, two screws are usually placed side by side, and each screw has the ability to spin in either the same or the opposite direction of the other. Because of the design arrangement, the twin-screw extruder provides more flexibility while also providing a high degree of mixing as the mass's residence period rises. This has the capability of processing a greater variety of medicinal compositions.
The length diameter ratio (L/D) of both single and twin-extruders is an important factor that influences the properties of the finished product. However, the convenience of various batch processes being combined into a single continuous process, results in a significant improvement in production efficiency, making twin-screw extrusion a popular method of manufacturing.
3. Hot Melt Extruder
Hot Melt Extruder are a modification of screw extruders. A carefully controlled heater heats the barrel which conducts the heat to the product. The molten polymeric mass is extruded from the die plates.
The Hot Melt Extruder is optimized via the use of an electronic control unit in a screw extruder, which allows the screw speed, process temperature, and pressure to be controlled. The Screw extruder generates a homogeneous blend as a result of the heat and shear strain or stress applied to the material. This has an effect on the final product qualities.
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